The Ten Types of of Encounters
Starting in the 20th century sightings have increased not only in numbers but also in the variety and types. In the last part of the 20th century Witnesses reported seeing anything from distant lights in the sky to actually seeing ET’s or spacecraft.
Today more then 45% of Americans believe extraterrestrials have or are visiting earth. This number is a 24% increase over a Gallup poll taken in 2005 were only 24% believed this to be true. With this many more people are coming forward with experiences that they have been to afraid to talk about before. I include myself as one of these people. With the wider exception of the possibility of life on other planets. The more accepted it becomes that these creatures may have visited us.
There are currently 10 types of UFO sightings. Have you ever fallen into one of the following categories?
1. Nocturnal Lights:
These would be unexplained lights seen in the night sky
2. Daylight Disks:
Not necessarily disks but any unidentified Craft seen during the day light hours
3. Radar-Visual:
These are objects that are confirmed by radar. But can not be Identified
4. Close Encounter Of The First Kind:
These include sighting with great details such as size, shape, colors and these sightings
are within 500 of the witness.
5. Close Encounter Of The Second Kind:
these encounters have a physical or emotional effect on the witness. They also include
sightings that leave physical evidence in the surrounding environment. Such as
Chemical traces, Damage to vegetation, or impressions left in the ground by the craft
6. Close Encounter Of The Third Kind:
These Encounters are when a living or robotic creature is encountered. These also
include encounter’s in which people or a person may receive some form of
7. Close Encounter Of The Fourth Kind:
These Encounters are when a UFO or its occupants abduct a human.
8. Close Encounter Of he Fifth Kind:These are communications that have been initiated by a
willing Human
9. Close Encounter Of The Sixth Kind:
These are encounters with alien creatures that end with the death of a Human or
animal subject such as the animal mutilations of the 70’s
10. Close Encounter Of The Seventh Kind:
This is when an alien Human hybrid is created. The reason for witch we do not
know for sure yet.