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UFO Journeys

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Laughlin First Day

My first impressions of this conference is that it's going to have many different speakers that I have not heard before.  My second opinion is that the production crew for the video and sound is doing a lousy job. I have seen this crew in action before and they usually do a great job. I also learned that if you have a longer title for your presentation that it will make it more impressive than it actually is.


Rey Hernandez - 'What is the Relationship between Consciousness, our Cosmology, and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence via the FREE Contact Modalities'  Such a long title and all it was was a survey of over 4000 experiencers with varying types of experiences such as abduction, Near Death Experiences and other non materialistic modalities.  The problem with this survey is that it is biased toward the positive experience as all those who took the survey were aware of their experience.  This does not account for those people that are not aware of their abductions.  

Simeon Hine - 'Remote Viewing. UFO's, and the Non-Local Mind: What we're learning from recently declassified and leaked DOD AATIP documents'  Another long title.  Simeon has been teaching remote viewing for twenty years.  He states that the goverments first foray into remote viewing was to prove it wrong and then went dark with it all of a sudden.  He states that remote viewing is part of space and time all being one.  He states that some RV'ers get a big head after learning to do this and think that they have some super power.  We had a mini session at the end of the presentation. He cut out the AATIP part of his presentation because of time.

Mike Murburg - 'The Connection Between Heightened States of Sprituality and Conscious Awareness and ET/HD/NHIB. UFO, "Celestrial Being" and My Own Spiritual Path: 60 Years of Contact' Another long title and nothing more than a lot of slides of UFO' in Art and his CE-5 group.

Frank Kimbler - 'Roswell, The Scientific Quest for Physical Evidence'  Frank has searched the Roswell crash site for the last nine years and found several pieces of the craft.  He takes a very scientific approach and has had the artifacts tested and found that there are anomolies in the metal that are not common in current earth made alloys.

Samantha Mowatt - 'Hybridization and the Milab Experience: The interconnection of Followed Blood Lines - Genetic Alteraction and Orchestrated Relationships' Beside being a hybrid and a clairvoyant psychic she also has hybrid children.  She feels that her life and the other lives of hybrids are orchestrated.  She is steered toward relationships in her life.  She also feels that 'they' have made genetic changes to her to improve her health. She has has several past lives some off planet and some spiritual.

Jonny Enoch - 'The Occult Side of UFO's'  Finally a short title.  Jonny is a clinical hypnotherapist , lecturer, and writer.   He is a very animated speaker and did his entire presentation without any notes.  He has multiple slides He talked about megalithic sites, underground bases, and extraterrestrial groups in our past.

The night ended with a Pizza and Pasta dinner that included wine. 

Posted by iowaufosightings at 12:01 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink

Sunday, 20 January 2019


This is home to a new blog for Iowa UFO Sightings.  It will include UFO sightings and UFO news.  It will contain ramblings from Iowa MUFON State Director, Greg Andersen and others in the Iowa MUFON group.  

 Greg Andersen, Iowa State MUFON Director

Posted by iowaufosightings at 1:17 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink

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